Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 2

We saw many amazing sights today. My least favorite was Pizza Hut. We ordered cheese, we got cheese, cheese with no tomato sauce. Even worst, there was a weird spice sauce on it. That was bad. Mom didn't even try the pizza it smelled so bad. (And we told her it was bad.) The rest of the day was great, yet hot with no breeze. The Forbidden City was my favorite part of today. We got to eat at a local family home. That was good, but I could only eat rice. Tomorrow is an another adventure.     ~Lydia

Today we went to the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and we got to tour the Hutong District via a tricycle rickshaw.  In the Hutong District, we ate lunch at a local family's home.  It was delicious!  The homes are so tiny and old.  They are down alleyways and most don't have a restroom.  They share a public restroom outside on these narrow streets.  However, they are VERY expensive and we saw many high end cars parked on these crowded, narrow streets in the Hutong District.  It is filthy, run down, with trash everywhere but apparently a very expensive and sought after place to live.  Baffling to us.  We went to an acrobatics show late this afternoon, although we were so tired that Lydia and I kept falling asleep.  This 11 hour time difference is super hard to overcome.  After the show, we walked to Pizza Hut hoping for a taste of home.  Nope.  It was SO gross.  We ordered cheese pizza but it came with this smelly, spicy, brown sauce on it.  Oh, the smell was so bad.  We paid for it and ran out of there!  We are hoping that Pizza Hut in Chongqing is more what we are used to like it was 10 years ago.

I'm ready to move on to Chongqing but that isn't for a couple of days.  Beijing is so crowded, dirty, and has a unpleasant odor to it everywhere.  The air quality is horrible.  It is so hazy and gray from air pollution and it makes your throat and nose dry and congested.  (I may have to go visit Dr. Zhang-haha!-see the pic) I don't really remember it being like this when we came 10 years ago but that may have been because it was February.  It's fascinating to see Beijing, but I honestly don't know how anyone could live here day in and day out.  And I'm surprised that we don't see more people than we do wearing masks.  The Great Wall was my favorite part in Beijing last time, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

We also learned that the government has blocked Facebook and Google, so in order to post to my blog, which is Google based, I have to email everything to my sister, Sarah, to post it.

Here's a few pics of us getting ready for the Hutong tour, eating lunch at the local family's house, and in Tiananmen Square.


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